Saturday, January 16, 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Things That Fly


It's the moment of the week we all know as 40GNAI! Yesterday's prompt was Things That Fly. So much possibilities! So much ideas. I had few ideas but finally decided to choose something a litte bit more "special" for the prompt.

Before we begin, I must warn you that my index nail passed away Monday and I didn't want to file all my nails down so she looks weird now haha. Traitor.

UFO. YEAH. Do you recognize it?  It looks funny, but I really like the little space ship :)

If you get this reference, I love you and can we be friends?

A clearer shot of my spaceship :)
I hope you liked it and I'll see you next week!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

1 comment:

  1. YAASSS X FILES! Very cool abduction scene you've done!

    And I'm sorry for your loss. I hope she grows back fast and strong.


Thank you for your comments. I appreciate it and read every one of them!