Thursday, December 3, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Glitter Top/Flakie + Sponged


Today's post will be really short. I missed last week instalment of the 40GNAI and I am really sorry. Sometimes, life gets in the way and lately it seems it is getting more in my way.. Anyways.

The main prompt for the group was Glitter Top or Flakie.. and mine was sponged. Super easy, right? I decided to do a glitter gradient with one of my polishes I hadn't use in forever!

I used for my base color "Got Yacht?", a really dark blue, by Trust Fund Beauty and then I sponged "Oxygen Bar" from Loaded Lacquer on my tips :)
So much pretty glitters in this glitter polish :) Neon pink, lilac, neon blue, grey/white..
I think the base make pop the glitters a little bit more, don't you think?
That's it for this week, I'll see you next week!
Happy polishing
Irrationails xo

Sunday, November 22, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Grey + Color + Splatter


This week's prompt was grey + color and my personal pattern was splatter!

I had this mani for over three days, but couldn't bring myself to do the pictures or the blog post. I think it's something about the November month. I feel like I don't have any energy left when I come home from work.. Anyways!

Onto the photos!

I used a old grey polish I had since I started my obsession with nail polishes (it's from Essence and it's called Grey to Be Here). Formula isn't that great, it makes bubbles when you apply it and it takes forever to dry.. I wait for over an hour before putting my top coat and the day after when I woke up I had bed sheets marks. The color is pretty though, it's a very light grey with a pink shimmer. I thought using a pink/coral polish will make it pop even more.

It's a pretty simple mani. I used a straw and blow the polish onto my nails. That's it :)

It's sad that we can't see the shimmer in the pictures... My coral polish looks a little bit too orange, but it's only because my camera refuses to be color accurate with this kind of color :(

Hope you like it and click on the links below to see what the others come up with!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Friday, November 13, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Your Job

Hello, hello!

Today's prompt is "Your Job" and I must admit I was pretty excited about this one. I think it was the one prompt I had already my idea in the beginning!

I love reading what job the others ladies are doing for living. It is so much fun to know a little bit more about them. Be sure to click on the links at the end of this post! :)

Pinkie: Chromosome 21, 16 and X/ Ring finger: Chromosome 12 and 13 / Middle finger: Chromosome 14 and 1 / Index: Chromosome 2, 21 and 4
A little bit of explanation, hm? Or are you as smart as I think you are?
I work as a lab technician in a cytogenetic lab in a children hospital! These are little chromosomes here. I will explain later what I do exactly, but first...
Genetics 101: You have 23 pairs of chromosome in all of your cells. When you make a baby, you give 1 chromosome and your partner give 1 of his "pair". That's how you get genetic material from both the mother and the father.
Pinkie: Chromosome 21, 16 and X/ Ring finger: Chromosome 12 and 13 / Middle finger: Chromosome 14 and 1 / Index: Chromosome 2, 21 and 4

 Some diseases are transmitted genetically and can be discover early in the pregnancy.

Ex: Mrs. go to the doctor because she had a test that conclude she had a higher risk of having a child with Down Syndrome or maybe she has an familial history of a transmissible disease and have an amniocentesis (the liquid in what the baby floats). We get the sample and put it in "culture", ie: we wait for the cells to multiply and when we have enough cells, we do a lot of complicate stuff  (I won't get into more details, it's too early for me to do that!) and BOOM, chromosomes appear :)

After, my job is to take pictures of these chromosomes and make a karyotype (Karyotypes describe the chromosome count of an organism, and what these chromosomes look like (..) Attention is paid to their length, the position of the centromeres, banding pattern, any differences between the sex chromosomes, and any other physical characteristics. Thanks Wikipedia!)

Pretty cool, right? I also work with blood samples (we have to do sometimes karyotypes for couples with infertility problems and for patient with cancers.)

Chromosome Y, 21 and X
My background looks a little bit dirty, isn't it? It's a joke with myself, really. When we do the complicate stuff (mentioned earlier), sometimes the cytoplasm/cell membrane of  the cell doesn't dissolve completely and we have a dirty background. I tried to recreate it :P
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Monday, November 9, 2015

Review - Nail Sticker from Born Pretty Store


Today is my last review from Born Pretty Store and I will talk about nail stickers. Cute nail stickers.

I chose these nail stickers because I thought they will be super cute for a baby shower or something like that. I don't go often to baby showers, but you got to be prepare, right?? haha

Obviously, I forgot again to take a picture before doing my nails. Oops. You get a lot of nail stickers (product ID # 20557) for just one sheet (around 20, more or less) They are adorable, aren't they??
Easy to use, you soak them for around 20-30 seconds in the water and then you peel them off the sheet and apply them onto your nails.

I put two coats of top coat over the nail stickers to smooth everything, but sadly like you can see, my nails are super curvy so they stand off the nail edge. I think I was underestimating the size of the stickers when I decided to use two of them on my nails. Thin and super curvy nails. Oops.
While I think they are super cute and super easy to use, they are not for me, damn you curvy nails! If your nails are "flat", you can definitely wear this look! I will use the little hearts, but I think I will give the other stickers to my little sister! She will love them, I'm sure ;)
What do you think? Do you have the curse of curvy nails like me or are your nails are flat?
If you want to buy from BPS, I have a discount code for you: use "DEAEX31" at check out on items not already reduced for 10% off! 
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Review - Nail Foil From Born Pretty Store

Hello, hello!

Today I'm back with another review. This time, we will talk about some super cool nail foil I got from Born Pretty Store!

Let's begin! I got excited when I took my pictures, I was trying to get the all the shiny side of this nail foil.

I started off with a black base to make the nail foil (item ID # 21590 pattern #3)  pop more (BPS recommended to use a dark base for better results). I did one coat of the black polish, let it dry and then applied my top coat. While my top coat was still a little bit tacky I randomly applied the nail foil onto my nails.

I was not planning to do something full coverage and did not have a pattern in mind, I just went with my instinct.

The first time I tried to apply the nail foil I did not wait properly for my base to dry so when I applied the nail foil, the polish stuck to the nail foil and I had a hole on my nails with no polish. So, if I have one thing important to tell you, let your polish dry. Even if you think it's dry, wait a little more.
I did not apply a top coat over the nail foil when I was done, because top coat don't go well with nail foil, they dull it and the holographic effect just go and you are left off with something not as exciting on your nails.
I know some top coat don't do this, but mine does it, so definitely no top coat for me. Do you have a brand you would recommend for nail foil?  
It's pretty, isn't it? I love all the shiftiness in this nail foil :)

A macro to show you the nail foil a little bit closer. We can see on my pinky nail that the nail foil started to wrinkle a little bit, I don't know exactly why. You can't clearly not see it when you look from the "distance".

I am impressed with the nail foil in general, it was fairly easy to use and it makes a super cool effect on your nail once applied. What do you think?
If you want to buy from BPS, I have a discount code for you: use "DEAEX31" at check out on items not already reduced for 10% off! 
Have a nice day and happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Friday, November 6, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Black & White + Skittles

Hello, lovely people!

TGIF! Today is Friday and you know what it means! Yes, this is the day where a bunch of nail artist girls from around the world present you the 40GNAI!

The prompt was black and white with a pattern assigned to each participants. Mine was skittles!
I just want to clarify something, I am not a skittle person. I like my nails to be the same or if I do a landscape that they come together as a whole. Sooo, I don't know if my skittle is pretty or original because I don't do them usually.

So here it is. My black and white skittle!
 On my pinky is a coat of Clearly Spotted by Color Show Maybelline over a black base. For the middle and the ring finger I used some vinyls and create lines and geometric patterns. My index was handpainted to create a tile pattern (but it looks a little bit like drunk squares haha). Finally my thumb is just black, because I love black nails and I do what I want, nah.

(Sorry for the cat hairs.. They are always stuck on my nails and I never see them before I look at my pictures on my computer u_u")
So what do you think? Win or fail? :)
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Thursday, October 29, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Halloween

Another Friday, another 40GNAI day! It will be really short and sweet today since I don't really have much to say.

Today the challenge is Halloween! I initially wanted to do something super complicate and gore, but I wanted to do something simple and cute too. I decided to go with the "simple and cute" finally because I don't think I could have wore the mani I had in mind at work haha.

I was inspired by @sloteazzy on IG for these pumpkin faces.

I started with a radial gradient (we can't really see it. Sad panda!) and then painted the faces with acrylic paint.

I didn't take too much pictures. Oh, well. You get the idea, right? :P
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

40Great Nail Art Ideas - Orange, Purple and Green + Saran Wrap

I know, I am terribly late for the 40GNAI challenge! I first tried to do my mani Thursday and it was so much a fail, I couldn't bring myself to post this mani Friday. You know when you do something and while you do it you just say to yourself : "Stop. STOP. STOOOOP." but then you continues? It's what happen with my fail.
So I tried something different and I like it better!
First of all, my pattern and the color prompt had a potential of 99.99% of turning into a big mush. I knew it before I start. (Previously fail turned into the mush predicted.)

I decided for my second attempt to do the colors separate instead of trying to use them as a whole. Super simple skittlette, but I love it!

I used black to smudge the colors and because black is a Halloween color, of course!

I hope you liked it!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Review - Gold Nail Sticker from Born Pretty Store

Hello, hello!
Today I have something new to my blog! A review from Born Pretty Store! Yeah, I'm so excited for this!
I contacted BPS earlier in September and they were kind enough to send me three samples to show you! Let's take a look!

My first item is these gold stickers. (here, Product ID:21776) There are three different design on the sheet. Big bold chevron, three tiny chevron design and the heartbeat one. The three tiny chevrons aren't showed on the sheet because I totally forgot to take a picture before using them! Oops!

The stickers are "glued" to the sheet, so you will have to peel them first and then apply them to your nails. I chose to use the three chevron first and I went full hand with them. I immediately got a chic manicure without fuss.

This is what they look on my nails. My base color is Bye Felicia (by Trust Fund Beauty), a gorgeous vibrant purple with some pink undertones polish! 

You can see that the glue of the sticker is really not visible to the eye. I pressed firmly when I applied them and I had a perfect define line without a white film surrounding it (I had it happened to me in the past!)

Even thought they are sticker, they are super fine and won't go bumpy once on your nails. I had troubles in the past with stickers because they were kind of 3-D and I didn't like it, but with these stickers, no problem at all! 

Oh, and they are gold. Who doesn't love gold? This color makes everything better in my opinion, seriously.

I would recommend to use a topcoat to seal the design. I didn't do it because I was testing them for a short time, but if you want to extend the lifetime of your mani, definetely wear a topcoat.

If you ever want to buy something from Born Pretty Store, I have a discount code for you! Use "DEAEX31" at check out on items not already reduced for 10% off! 

Happy polishing!

Irrationails xo

Saturday, October 17, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas- Geeks

Hello! Today I'm back with the 40GNAI challenge! 

Geek was the theme and I had so much inspiration and none at the same time for this week prompt. Weird, right?  

I finally settled and decided I wanted to do science inspired nails, since I'm a big science geek. Apparently, you can geek about anything (I didn't know that) nowadays. I think at first geek was for the video games and nerds were for science/math etc. But now, it is a lot mixed up, geek, nerd, whatever.

I started with a saran wrap background using three different shades of soft green/mint polishes. 

After, I topcoated it and painted with Black acrylic paint my little molecules. From left to right (on my first picture) you have a part of the sugar molecule, on my ring finger it's dopamine or serotonine (I did both and I can't remember which is which haha), on my middle finger it's a coffee molecule and finally I have the dopamine/serotonine molecule on my pointer finger. 

You know, stuff that makes you happy! :)

On my thumb is the new statement I see eveywhere. Geek is the new sexy.

Hope you like it!

Happy polishing!

Irrationails xx

Monday, October 12, 2015

Nailmail from Trust Fund Beauty, Eat.Sleep.Polish and Supernatural Lacquer

Time for some random nail mail post! It's been forever since I shared my nailmail on my blog, so I thought it would be a great idea to start again. Personally, I love seeing others people's nailmail. Sometimes I discover new brand and sometimes I just appreciate to look at nail polish bottles. :)
Let's see what I got this week. I got my Trust Fund Beauty order, Eat.Sleep.Polish and Supernatural Lacquer order too!
First, we have I Had It First (soft pinkish nude creme), Wine O'Clock (burgundy/wine creme) and Drunk Dial (deep purple creme) from Trust Fund Beauty.
I just love nude polish and I've been eyeing this polish for a while, so when I made my order, I just HAD to put I Had It First in my cart. (Right?)
Wine O'clock and Drunk Dial are both from the "Because I Can" collection (Fall 2015), while I Had It First is from the "Prenup" collection.
Then, we have my Eat.Sleep.Polish. order. I bought Rasberry Gummy Bear and a crystal nail file.
 My first order got lost so the owner, Caterina, sent me another package to make up for it. I initially bought The Deadly Poppy Fields, but she didn't have it in stock since she is in the process of moving. (I will have it later when she reopens!).
Caterina was a sweetheart from the start. She responded in a matter of few minutes (max one hour) and she tried to fix everything for me. I even got a mini nail file! I really appreciated her professionalism and her customer service. I wish her luck in her move and I can't wait for her to open again.
And finally, my last order. From Supernatural Lacquer aka my favorite indie, of course! I got some of her new fall polishes. The first is The Trickster. Oh, my.

The next two are thermal inspired by the ghost on Supernatural. Poltergeist is a black (cold) to light gray/white/transparent polish.

It has black, pink and blue flakies. I don't know how to described it. It's gorgeous, okay?

Ectoplasm is a blue (cold) to gray/white/transparent thermal.

Drool worthy, right?

The last two are magnetic polish inspired by the Horsemen. I bought Death and War. They were my favorite Horsemen so I had to have them. Death (right)is a purple and War (left) is more of a deep red. I CAN'T WAIT to play with them.

Weeeeell, that's it for this post! I'll see you later this week for the 40GNAI!

Have a good week!

Happy polishing!

Irrationails xo


Friday, October 9, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Teal


Today's the second week of the 40 Great Nail Art Ideas Challenge! For this week, the theme was teal. Each participant had a specific prompt assigned to them, so everyone would make something different. Since we are more than 40 now, some prompt may repeat, but the interpretation may be different! How fun is this?

Mine was teal + rose! I was happy I had this one, because I thought it would be very easy to do. I also wanted to make something a little bit different but that turned out to be a fail so I changed my direction at the last moment. In the end I'm very proud of my nails.

Let's take a look!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Hobbies

Hello, hello!

Yes, you read right, Reader. Once again, I'm joining the Crumpet Nail Tarts Challenge, but this time it's a little different! Not the same rules, not the same prompts. A new adventure!

I am so excited to be part of this challenge, since I didn't really have any ideas or inspiration the last months. The challenge will keep me busy for a few weeks (I think it's for the whole year, oh boy!) and we are posting on each Friday. I have already all my prompts, I just need to do them now lol.

Without further ado, let's talk about the first prompt. It was decided it would be hobbies.

When I start looking for ideas, at first I was completely lost.. Did I have hobbies other than doing my nails? I don't really like sports, I am not a very outgoing person, meaning I like to do my things all by myself. Then I remember something. Writing. I loved and still do love writing stories.

Now, trying to do this on my nails. Hum.