Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Try Those Untrieds! - Renaissance Cosmetics "Emerald Envy" Swatch

Hi, Reader!
Today I have a simple swatch for you!
It may be only a swatch but this polish is all but simple! I can guarantee you!
First of all, it's from Renaissance Cosmetics, an indie polish brand based in Toronto (which means near to me = fast shipping yeaaah!) The company is owned by one of my favorite nail artist in the community, Meghan of WillPaintNailsForFood.com.
I present you "Emerald Envy", an emerald (duuuh!) green with gold shimmer and tiny gold glitters. When I applied the first coat, I was pleasantly surprised by the opacity of the polish. I could have gotten away with only one coat, but I decided to play it safe and applied a second coat.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Dry Watermarble


The 31DC is over and now I'm free to do whatever designs I want to. (I could have done it when the 31DC was running, but I would have feel guilty about it. I know. I have a problem haha)

There is so much designs I want to try, so little time though. I already have a list of all the designs I will do. Now, if I could have the time...

For 2015, my "resolutions" toward the nail art is to practice more my free-handed skills, try new techniques (aka watermarbling, watercolor, etc.). I want to be better.

For today's nails, I finally did something that was very frustrating when I tried the first times.. But then, I discover a "lazy", easy way to do it. I didn't get a real chance to try it and before I knew, I forgot to try it further. It was only until earlier this week, on Instagram, that I remembered this technique. Pshiiit put a mani she did and I was like : "Omg I know this technique. I have to try it."

Dry watermarble. Yup, that's right. I called it lazy, because you let your polish dry and you can do something else while you wait.

Monday, December 15, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 31: Recreate Your Favorite Challenge

Hello to you, Reader!

Today is the last day of the 31DC version 2.0. It may have been hard sometimes, but I've done every single one prompt I was told to do! I had some favorites, some less favorites.. But in the end, I'm really proud of myself for finally doing a nail art challenge.

During these months, I discovered some great nail artist all around the world. Yeah for new inspiration to looked up to!

So. My favorite challenge had to be the gradient one. It was the first time ever I had done a scaled gradient and JESUS, I'm lovin' this kind of gradient!

I knew I wanted to take inspiration from SimplyNailogical again.. I had the perfect mani in my mind.. The quadruple scaled gradient a.k.a the crazy Mexican rug she did a few weeks ago (or maybe a month or so).

Friday, December 12, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 30: Nails Vinyls/Tape


Today is day 30 of the 31DC version 2.0, so, you know what it means... It is almost over. One last prompt and I'll be done with this challenge!

I will have to find other challenges, because they make me go out of my comfort zone and even if sometimes I find it hard, I like it!!

I have already planned on joining the 52 Weeks Challenge (not sure if I'm going to do all the weeks, but some of them at least) in January. I think I'll join also the FingerFood's Buffet Theme when it comes back in January. I'd like to join other, like WNAC and The Nail Art Guild. I'm sure there is one more, but I can't remember the name.

Yes. I know. Busy year planned. I'll say it now. I won't do all the prompts in every challenge, but I think it will be interesting to be known in others challenges :)


The nails.

I bought a few months ago some accessories from Shesellsseashells.uk and never used them. I had bought a sheet of mermaid scale and was waiting patiently to do a mani with it. WELL. I finally used them! Yay!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 29: Inspired By a Polish

Inspired by a polish...

Uhh. Hello. Nail Polish Hoarder, heeeeeere. Do you know how hard it can be, when you have to choose ONE polish to be inspired of? Like, I'm inspired by all my polishes.

I decided to go to my untried pile and choose one randomly. Cybernetic by Pretty Serious Cosmetics was the winner! *ting, ting, ting!*

31DC version 2.0: Day 28: Studs

Ahhh, famous studs!

I like them, but I can't never find a clever way to use them. I have no imagination when it comes to studs. I stick with the classical way of using them. I wish I was clever like some people (@cottonconey on IG, for exemple).

Instead, I went with some attemps at stamping (Sweet Baby, I need more practice) and the classic studs mani.


Throwback: "Sailor" by Mentality Nail Polish and BornPrettyStore Water Decals

Throwback to my short nails!

They are so cute ahah. I think I'll cut them down after the 31DC2. I am kind of bipolar sometimes, like I loooove little nubs, but I think long nails are kick-ass. I live in a constant dilemma! :(

But, I think it will be time to start fresh!

Onto the nails now:

Monday, December 8, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 27:Gradient

Since the first time I saw +Simply Nailogical on Instagram, I fell in love with gradients (even more than before.) She's the Master, the Queen of All Things Gradients.

Truly, she's a beast when it comes to gradients. She can do one of those AH-mazing gradients, scaled, reciprocal and glittery gradients like no one.

Like you can guess, she was my inspiration for this prompt!

I must admit, I was kind of scare of doing my first scaled gradient... Turns out, I want to do a million more!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 26: Realism

Hi, all!
For this prompt, I didn't know what to do, because I had like three zillions ideas. Realism nail art is becoming by far my favorite kind of nail art! That must be my artist spirit who just want to paint absolutely everything on my nails! After all, nails are little canvas!

Monday, November 24, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 25: Abstraction

I swear.. After this post, I'm done for the day.. I had a little bit of catch-up to do, since I didn't post for a long time..

When I began this challenge back in September(?), it was one of those prompt I had already found my inspiration and it was just waiting in a file, on my computer to be done.

The main idea on this prompt was to do a rainbow spotted-gradient and adding lines (like a graffiti) randomly.

31DC version 2.0: Day 23: Indie/Day 24: Half Moon

What? Two prompts in one? You crazy girl!

Indie... that's so vague. How can you choose only one indie? I feel like if you choose only one indie, you may offend others. That's my humble opinion. I had so many untried indies, I decided to make a big mash-up and use as many as possible in the prompt.

I remembered in September when the traditional 31 Day Challenge was running, I saw @morenailpolish's half moon and I thought: "Wow, that's cool". Screenshot.

31DC version 2.0: Day 22:Glitter

I had other things in mind when I read this prompt. But, as always, things happen in life and you sometimes don't end up doing your first idea.

Maybe I was lazy that day or just bored with.. I don't know. Life. I looked and nothing was good enough. I finally picked an untried and do something really simple. I don't think it's my better shot.. but I got over it. ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 21: Holidays

Holidays in November. Please, no! I'm not ready yet! Wait until December...

For this prompt, I used a long time untried. I had this polish for almost a year, before I finally use it last week. I decided to layer it over a dark blue and it was a super duper brilliant idea!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 20: Supernatural

Initially my first idea for this prompt was to do a Patronus.. but it was a lot harder than I expected! Turns out, I'm not exactly ready for this king of art. That's okay. I'll try another time..! After my disappointment, I started to think ... Then.. Sudden illumination.



Maybe one of my favorite show ever. If not my favorite. The only tutorials I could find were.. meh. But then I remembered I saw AStudyInPolish's picture of Castiel nails. They were on my to-dos list, so I jumped on the occasion and did them! (YEAH!)

I loved them so much I wear them for three days. I only took them off because it was beginning to chip. :(

I wish I had look through my pictures before taking them off, because my hand pose is like..really awkward.

It's a super simple nail art, but sometimes simple is best. 


Doing his wings was harder than I thought. But, in the end I'm pleased with them.

For people who don't know who Castiel is, I guess my nail art doesn't make really sense. Go on Internet if you're really interested in knowing who is that awesome angel in a trench coat.
I might do this design again in the future, because me likeyy them very much!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Splendor Nail Lacquer; Nail Mail Of the(last) Week

Last week or so, I read an article on Willpaintnailsforfood.com about a new indie in the game. The brand was called Splendor Nail Lacquer and is based in Canada. Yay, for fellow Canadian!

I read the post and was pleasantly surprised to see that her first collection was based on Veronica Mars! For those of you who don't know who is Veronica Mars (shame on you!), it's a teenage girl who help her father with detective jobs. Later, in the TV show, she become a detective and help others students at her school in exchange of money. She is really sassy and I loved her when the TV show was running!

Imagine my happiness when I looked through the swatches Meghan had done for Splendor Nail Lacquer !

 This is the first collection. Of course, I had to buy the entire collection, being a fan and all.

I took a macro of this one, it's my favorite of the bunch. The color. The name. I can't wait to wear this one (and the others). I wish I could make swatches, just to see on my nails, but unfortunately  I don't have time :( 
Like I said before, Splendor Nail Lacquer is a new indie brand, based in Canada and I think everyone should buy from her, because she has great colors in her shop and she is really fast on shipping. If you love(d) Veronica Mars, it's definitely a must-have in your collection!!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Nails of the Weekend: Mulan by F.U.N. Lacquer

A few weeks, or maybe it's already been a month, I received my package from F.U.N Lacquer. I ordered a few, all inspired by Disney Princesses (I'm a big kid, I know.)

When I opened the cute little boxes, all I was doing was : "Ohhh", "Ahhhhh" and little squee sounds. The pictures on Internet didn't do really justice, they were even prettier in person.

I put them in my untried pile, because there were nail polishes that was already in line to be wear. Yup. I placed my new nail polish by time I get them and try to wear the "old ones" before the "new ones". I must admit, I cheated sometimes when I'm really feeling the color and I want to wear it immediately. That happened with my F.U.N Lacquer, I cheated!! But I don't care, it was worth the cheating.

Friday, November 7, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 19: Art

Whew, I'm getting really late again.

Day 19 brought me some really nice ideas, but I had so much ideas, it was like having none. My mom and I, we used to go often at museum and art exposition. Now, I can't go as much I would want, but we still go some times.

I saw a lot of artists and styles, I didn't really know what to do. It was when I was on IG and looking through the hastag that I saw someone mentioning Salvador Dali. I remembered seeing his art at many museums and in child movie (Looney Tune: Back In Action, anyone?). Anyways. When people read Dali, they immediately think about his melting clocks, but I thought about his disproportionate elephants.

I'll show a photo of my inspiration:

Monday, November 3, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 18: World Cultures

I was getting down last week because I wasn't feeling very inspired. Now, I'm back on track and producing a lot of manis to be up-to-date on this challenge!!

First post for today is my post for world culture. I kept having this idea of doing this Mexican nails, something very festive every time I thought about this prompt. I really don't know why. Lol. But then, yesterday evening I was looking through my inspiration folder on my computer and saw a greek pattern. I forgot about it, only to remember it again when I was looking on SimplyNailogical.com at a tutorial (Greek, of course! It had to be.) Destiny had called.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 17: Favorite Season

This post will be short and sweet!
I couldn't decide on which season was my favorite. I think they all have pros and cons. So, when there is indecision, do it all!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

31DC version 2.0 : Day 16: Landscape

Again, late with my post. Sorry.

Landscape inspired me a lot of things. At first I wanted to do a mountain landscape, then a forrest, then a beach and then a snow mountain. You get it. Lot of inspiration. I began to do the snow mountain, but it didn't turned out really satisfying. I remembered a design I saw, maybe a few months ago now. It was on IG, I found a new account (@narmai) and I was looking through her pics when I saw her northern lights. They were so magical, I knew I wanted to do them. Since then I was looking for an excuse to try the design.

I wiped my nails clean and started doing her design. I didn't have the same colors so I changed a little bit the design. In the end, it gave an... interesting result.

I tried to photograph it, but I don't know what I did to my camera because all my pictures were blurry. I finally found what I did, but I'm still not convinced it's completely okay.


Monday, October 20, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 15: Galaxies

That's a prompt I was ready for doing. Galaxies nail art is one of the first design I did two years ago or so when I began to paint my nails. At that time, I thought they were pretty damn cool. Now that I look back I can see all the evolution two years make. Sure, I'm not where I want to be for now as an artist, but they say practise make it perfect, right?

When I was looking for inspiration I wanted to do every picture I saw. Galaxy, nebula, the sky is infinite and so are the possibilities. It's crazy to think that these things are above us, far away, untouchable. They are truly amazing and beautiful. Chemicals reactions and light give something so pure and so ... I don't find the right words to describe my admiration.

I forgot how much fun it was to do this nail art. Two years ago, my design was less detailed and now they really look like something you could find in the space. At least, I like to think.

(Ok. I'm calming down now.)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 14: Paisley

The day I was fearing came! Paisley. *TADADADA*

I was dreading the prompt. Like, really. I admire everyone who can make paisley. I just don't seem to have the courage to do it. They look so complicate and detailed, I'm just like a deer in the middle of the highway. Strucked by fear. A little maybe too melodramatic? Huh. Okay....

Seriously, though. If you look up on Internet, paisley design are really elaborate. Too much. Not for me haha. Maybe if I practise more, I can achieve it one day. (If I really want... Mh... Nah, no thanks.)

A while ago, I saw on Youtube a paisley tutorial by Packapunchpolish. They look easy to do, so I decided to give it a go.

Mine turned a little bit simpler than hers, but I think I like the effect. It is really nice, don't ya think?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Nails Of the Weekend: Soul Fire By Ethereal Lacquer

It was sitting in my untried pile for some time when I finally decided to put it on my nails. I got this polish from Color4Nails back in the summer. When I saw swatches of this polish I fell in love. It was perfect, magnificient. I really liked this shade so I decided to buy it.

In the meantime, life happened haha. I bought others nail polish, fell in love with others and forgot my initial love. When I had the bottle between my hands I, must admit, didn't feel as attracted as I was when I saw swatches. I put it in my untried pile and it waited. Waited for its time.

Finally this week, I was looking through my untried pile and it caught again my attention. I let it out of the darkness and let it hit the light. That was the moment I re-fell in love. The holographic effect of this polish is truly amazing. Even when light isn't hitting right, it is a gorgeous shade.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 13: Geometric

Wait, what?

There's no post for day 12?? Since this prompt was a complete failure for myself, I didn't really take much photos so it would be completey useless to put them here.

If you absolutely want to see them, I have one on my IG (@irrationails)

Now that we cleared this mysterious disappearance, let's talk about day 13. I had so much ideas for this one and I settled down to my design only because I wanted it to be challenging. Well it was!!

I was inspired by Nailuminium and her geometric diamond. Her work is truly amazing. She can make intricate designs and it looks sooooo nice! She even make tutorials so beginners can try to replicate her designs!

Monday, October 6, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 11: Flowers

I told you, I'm already back! It's been a long time, huh?


Soooooo. Today was day 11: flowers. I don't know if I was only feeling down or what, but I had zero motivation for this one. This weekend I wore 24 Karat Rose by Liquid Sky Lacquer and I was so not ready to remove this AWESOME polish. I just adore thermal polish. I always find myself looking at my nails, expecting them to change everytime I look at them. Plus, with the weather cooling a little bit, it is so much fun!

I was looking for inspiration and everything I found was deceiving. Too complicate. Too simple. Too much. Not enough. You know, one of those days?

I, then, decided to pick some colors I wanted to wear and make something pretty... This is the result. I ended uo doing some abstract flowers with a vintage vibe to them.


At first, I wasn't sure if I liked them or not, but now they're growing on me. Me likey!

31DC version 2.0: Day 10: Animal

I'm a little bit late for writing this post. I posted my picture on IG, but didn't have the strength to write the post. Whoops.

For this prompt, I wanted to be original, because you must admit, Reader, when you read animal, your think immediately: cat, dog, bird, don't you??

I know I wanted to do something out-of-the-box. I found my inspiration, but decided to change the colors to be more neutral. The original design was orange, mine is kind of Brown/gray. I like it even if it is more... well, earth-toned. haha.

Octopus!! Yeah. What? You have to tilt your head to understand the design? Well, do it. I know you want to. Or you can look for more pictures after the jump!

Monday, September 29, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 9: Stripes

Hello, Reader!
So, I had this really cool idea for today's prompt that I found on Pinterest (where I found my inspiration all the time ;).) It turned out to be a little more complex that I originally thought.
Stripes are something really hard for me to do, because my lines aren't really straight. I use mainly striping tape, but let's be honest. It tooks forever to cut this tape in tiny millions bits. This is why I only did two nails on each hand. It was enough for me.
The original design was made in black and white and in the circle, there was a person standing his back facing me. I changed a little bit because, hellooooooo, I can't do that much details on my nails. (At least for now.)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 8: Dotticure

Dotticure. Dots. Easy peasy.


RIGHT. That's what you would thought. Dots. What is more easy than that? You just take something round-edge and you make dots. Even a monkey could do that.

At least, that's what I thought when I saw the prompt. I mean, come on. I don't usually do dots, because it looks so simple. What I learned doing this prompt, is that it's more complicated than it looks. You have to make every dots the same size, apply the same pressure every time. Eeeeeeerggh. Dotticure is an art itself. The nails ladies who can make them look all lined-up perfectly and exact size are gods. Goddesses, sorry.

Monday, September 22, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 7: Metallic

I'm back with more nail art for the 31 Day Challenge!!

Today's nail art is inspired by steampunk pieces. Metallic totally inspired me this. Doesn't it inspire you this?

 I must admit it's been a while since I wore a metallic shade. I usually don't wear that kind of polishes, I don't know why exactly. I have like one gold (a really pretty one, I should wear it more often!), two or three silver (that I wear almost never) and one copper-like (I wear this one never.) Sooooo. I thought it was time I used them so they can feel loved too :)

I found my inspiration on DeviantArt. I don't remember the girl's name who did these nails but I thought they were pretty cool. In one of my previous design for the new year I took a little part of this design too. I loved it. I still do.

Okay, okay. I shut up now.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 6: Monochromatic

This week I found the challenge very challenging. It was so vague, you could go wherever you wanted. For the black and white prompt, it was already difficult, but now with monochromatic...

I must admit when I read the word monochromatic, what came in my mind almost immediately was black and white with various grey area between. Since the previous prompt was about these colors (or non-colors) I couldn't take these again. Right?

I decided to look in my stash and choose the colors I own the most. Pink. It was an evidence. I already found my pattern. You know, when something isn't right, or you don't feel it? The more I looked at my pattern and my bottles, the less I was feeling this choice.

It was only yesterday that I decided to look on Internet to find something else. I stumbled upon a tutorial made by Chelsea King for BirchBox. I knew right away I wanted to do it. It was simple. It was monchromatic. LET'S DO THIS!

The final look:

Monday, September 15, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 5: Black&White

Today's prompt was really vague for me. I didn't know what to do exactly. Black and white. There's so much possibilities!!

I went to my dear Pinterest and looked for some inspiration. This is what I came up with.

Lines everywhere, every day.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nails Of The Weekend: Pahlish's "La Belle Endormie"

Taking a short break from the 31DC to wear one of my many new pretties!

Fall is almost here and I'm really happy about it. I think over the years, it has become my favorite season. The colors in the trees, the cold air (but not too cold) and when the sun is there, wow!

Yesterday night, when I was searching for a new color to wear, I couldn't decide. I knew I wanted something dark, with a fall vibe... The problem is that I have a million of new pretties and I wanted to wear all of them! (Compulsive buyer heeeeeeere.)

I finally decided on wearing one of my new Pahlish. It's my first time buying from them and I was really amazed when I had them finally in my hands. The colors on my screen didn't prepare me for all this amazingness! They are so much prettier in real life! Making it harder to decide which one to wear first!

No more blabla. Let's see those nails!!

La Belle Endormie is a dark red/purple jelly full of gold shimmer. Very vampy, very fall!

I'm not at home at this moment, so I took the pictures with what I had.  Look at that gold shimmer peaking through! I wish it would have shown better on the pictures!

I just adore this shade. I will wear this one very often during fall. It has so much depth. Just beautiful.

What are you wearing on your nails this weekend?

Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Thursday, September 11, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 4: Primary Or Secondary

You know that awesome feeling you get when what you had in mind turns exactly like it was supposed to be on your nails? I got that feeling when I finished my design! IT FELT GOOD!

I found my idea on Pinterest (source of everything!) and I immediately thought : "I want to do this. Such a cool idea."


Monday, September 8, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 3: Violet

Hello, Reader!

I'm back again with the 31DC! Today is day three and we had choice between violet or blue. It was a hard choice since I had ideas for both of the colors! Finally I settled down with the one that seemed a little bit more simple!

Onto the nails!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

31DC version 2.0, Day 2: Yellow

Hello to you, Reader!

Today is day two of the 31DC. We had to choose between green or yellow; two of the colors I usually don't wear. I searched through my stash and found two or three shades I could wear. I already found my pattern I wanted so I started.. Let's just say it didn't turned out how I planned. It was a complete fail.

I, then, started again with a simple pattern and different colors. It turned out to be better than my previous attempt, but still I was not completely satisfied. I told myself: "You have to be patient with yourself. You can't be perfect, it's your second day. Calm down." So.. I calmed down and the more I look at my nails, the more I like them.

I started taking pictures and then looked at them.. DAMMIT. Why does my hot pink becomes a bright orange?? What the...!! Not only I can't get a color accurate picture, my design got scratched few minutes later. Yesterday was not my day, I can tell you that.

When everything goes wrong, you better just stop doing it. I put everything on hold and went to bed. This morning before going to school I snapped a quick picture. At least, the color is a little bit more accurate.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Loaded Lacquer: Nail Mail of the Week

Hello to you, Reader!

Last week, I received a package from Loaded Lacquer at my mom's house. Since I moved out I have to wait to get my things. I was so excited when she brought it with her when she came to see me !

I bought three new polishes from Heather, maker of Loaded Lacquer, and I would have bought more.  I need to control myself when I shop on her site. Everything she makes is beautiful and well thought.

For today's pictures I tried to take them in my homemade light box I finally made yesterday. I didn't have something long and large enough to make all the height so you can see a line. Oh well. Perfection doesn't exist, huh. If everything goes as I planned I should have my ''real'' light box by Friday. Exciting. This nail thing is getting real!

Enough with the rambling. Onto the nail mail !

She changed her logo, it's less bling-y. I don't know which one I prefer, her new one or old one. Aren't they pretty all lined up?

Megalodon is a blue/grey crelly with triangle glitters (white and silver), hexagons (two different blues & silver) and flakes (lavender.) It is beautiful and I can't wait to wear it even if the Shark Week is over. I'm crazy like that.

No Bra is a light pink crelly. It's from the Nude Jiggle Trio. I only bought this one because I felt like the others two weren't really me even if the name were funny enough to consider to buy them. It looks so simple and chic. I'm glad I purchase this one.  
Dragon Fruit is a crazy pink neon crelly. It's so bright in "real life". I couldn't get the right shade even if I try everything. This kind of color just doesn't want to be taken in picture. I feel like it's a summer shade. I'll probably wear this one in the middle of the winter when I'll get sick of the weather.   

Loaded Lacquer is one of my favorite indie brand, because she brings something new every time she releases new polishes. Her combination and choice of color/finish is pure Genius! Do you own any Loaded Lacquer polishes? Which one is your favorite?

Happy polishing! I'll see you Thursday, Reader!

Irrationails xo

Monday, September 1, 2014

31DC version 2.0, Day 1: Red

 Today is the beginning of the 31 Day Challenge! This year, I decided to take part of this big event in the nail art community. Last year, I was in awe with many nail ladies and the designs they came up with.

The version that I'll follow is the 2.0 version, created by @Willpaintnailsforfood, @thenailpolishchallenge and @wondrouslypolished. I like this version better. They will only post on Monday and Thursday, so you'll actually have time to think and admire your work for a longer time! Plus, I don't think it would have been manageable for me to paint my nails everyday. Yeah for the 2.0 version!

Day 1: Red. When I was looking for inspiration, the idea of the little girl and her balloon came almost immediately to my mind. My first idea was poppy nails, but I saw that on the day 11, that's the prompt. I really like how this design turned out. My skills at doing little design isn't perfect, but I hope that with the challenge I will get better!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Blue, Bling & Black!

I'm on fire!


Seriously. I think it's the first time I post twice in the same week. Maybe this blog will see more life in the future!!

I'm so happy to be back at school. It's funny because when I graduated I was like: "School. Never. Again. I swear." And then, there's me, three months later. "I can't wait for school to begin.."


Onto the nails!

I manage slowly but surely to reduce my untried pile. You know that pile who never seems to be ending. It just keeps adding and adding. Until you have to restrict yourself. (Or at least try with a no-buy...)

I used for this mani two untried: "A Stripper Has Been Sleeping In My Bed" by GirlyBits and
"Pacific Blue" (the new horrible formula) by Sally Hansen.

I wanted something simple with a little touch of glitter. BECAUSE GLITTER.

It was only until I took the pictures that I saw that my cuticles were dry. Poor little things. Sorry for your eyes, ladies. (We shall not talk about my cleaning. Seriously, I don't know what happened.) Look only the nails, try to focus. I'm going to give them some TLC!

Indirect/Natural light
 I really like "A Stripper Has Been Sleeping In my Bed". It's so glittery. And the name. The name gets an A+.

Indirect/Natural light

Indirect/Sun (Yes I changed my hand. What the..)
You can see on the last picture I had a little problem with my chevron. I didn't apply my vinyls right so this is what it looks like when you don't follow the rules, kid!
Products used: "Pacific Blue"(Sally Hansen), "A Stripper Has Been Sleeping In My Bed" (GirlyBits) and "Black On Black"(Sinful Colors)
Happy Labor Weekend! (For those who don't work... like me..)
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Purple Gradient Nail Art

Wooo. Time flies!

It's been almost three weeks since I last posted.

To be honest, I didn't have nothing interesting to post. I am newly employed at the hospital and I was in formation for the last three weeks. Since it's a pediatric hospital, they don't allow nail polish on their employees. Whaaaaaat. Yeah. You read it. So I was only doing my nails on the weekend when I was not working. And most of the time, it was only plain ol' color. (Pretty color, but only one color.)

Now, I began my certification and I'm back at school which means I can do mah nails!!! Happy dance!!

First thing first.

Yesterday was the Lacquer Legion time of the month and the theme was Weird Science. I was really excited since I am ''scientific'' person. I knew right away what I wanted to do. Biological Hazard Nails. That was the design I had in mind when I posted about this polish three weeks ago ;)

This is what it looked in the end. I'm really pleased with it! On my other hand I painted the nuclear sign, but I was too impatient so I smudged my design right after I was done! LOL. Oh well.
Products used: Generally Hazzardous (Pretty Serious Cosmetics) (So sad, we can't see the golden shimmer :( ) and Black On Black (Sinful Colors)

NOW. The real star of today's post. Gradient nails are the best thing. There is so much choice of colors. It's infinite. That's what I like so much about gradients. No one can make the same choice (except if you want to replicate someone's gradient. ;))

Indirect/Natural light. 
Indirect/Natural light.

Indirect/Direct sun.
Isn't it beautiful??
Products used: "Well Isn't That Special" (Girly Bits Cosmetics), ''Relative Dimensions" (Above the Curve) and "Indie Go" (ILNP). I topped this beauty with HK Girl (Glisten and Glow)
Do you like gradient nails? What's your favorite color combo?
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo