Monday, August 10, 2015

WNAC - Animal Print + Gradient

Hi, Reader!
We seem to see each other pretty often, don't we?
I'm kinda back on track with my blog (also I have a month and more to catch up), SO, blog posts shall I write!
This one was made for the the WNAC.. Sometimes, something looks awesome in your mind and then.. not so much on your nails haha.
I was aiming for a tropical fish. But I don't know if we can tell. They took so much time, I couldn't just bother to redo them. It was a mildly fail, but they look weirdly cool from far away. At least, I think.
For this look I used my new beloved Pipe Dream Polish "A Night In Vegas Collection" polishes. They are wonderful for watermarble, for gradients, etc. They are. the. bomb.

See, what I mean when I say they look weirdly cool from far away?

Also, like you can imagine I didn't take much photos because FAIL.

I hope you enjoy it even though it was a fail ;P I'll be back with something that look a little bit less like a total failure!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

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