Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Try Those Untrieds! - Renaissance Cosmetics "Emerald Envy" Swatch

Hi, Reader!
Today I have a simple swatch for you!
It may be only a swatch but this polish is all but simple! I can guarantee you!
First of all, it's from Renaissance Cosmetics, an indie polish brand based in Toronto (which means near to me = fast shipping yeaaah!) The company is owned by one of my favorite nail artist in the community, Meghan of WillPaintNailsForFood.com.
I present you "Emerald Envy", an emerald (duuuh!) green with gold shimmer and tiny gold glitters. When I applied the first coat, I was pleasantly surprised by the opacity of the polish. I could have gotten away with only one coat, but I decided to play it safe and applied a second coat.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Dry Watermarble


The 31DC is over and now I'm free to do whatever designs I want to. (I could have done it when the 31DC was running, but I would have feel guilty about it. I know. I have a problem haha)

There is so much designs I want to try, so little time though. I already have a list of all the designs I will do. Now, if I could have the time...

For 2015, my "resolutions" toward the nail art is to practice more my free-handed skills, try new techniques (aka watermarbling, watercolor, etc.). I want to be better.

For today's nails, I finally did something that was very frustrating when I tried the first times.. But then, I discover a "lazy", easy way to do it. I didn't get a real chance to try it and before I knew, I forgot to try it further. It was only until earlier this week, on Instagram, that I remembered this technique. Pshiiit put a mani she did and I was like : "Omg I know this technique. I have to try it."

Dry watermarble. Yup, that's right. I called it lazy, because you let your polish dry and you can do something else while you wait.

Monday, December 15, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 31: Recreate Your Favorite Challenge

Hello to you, Reader!

Today is the last day of the 31DC version 2.0. It may have been hard sometimes, but I've done every single one prompt I was told to do! I had some favorites, some less favorites.. But in the end, I'm really proud of myself for finally doing a nail art challenge.

During these months, I discovered some great nail artist all around the world. Yeah for new inspiration to looked up to!

So. My favorite challenge had to be the gradient one. It was the first time ever I had done a scaled gradient and JESUS, I'm lovin' this kind of gradient!

I knew I wanted to take inspiration from SimplyNailogical again.. I had the perfect mani in my mind.. The quadruple scaled gradient a.k.a the crazy Mexican rug she did a few weeks ago (or maybe a month or so).

Friday, December 12, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 30: Nails Vinyls/Tape


Today is day 30 of the 31DC version 2.0, so, you know what it means... It is almost over. One last prompt and I'll be done with this challenge!

I will have to find other challenges, because they make me go out of my comfort zone and even if sometimes I find it hard, I like it!!

I have already planned on joining the 52 Weeks Challenge (not sure if I'm going to do all the weeks, but some of them at least) in January. I think I'll join also the FingerFood's Buffet Theme when it comes back in January. I'd like to join other, like WNAC and The Nail Art Guild. I'm sure there is one more, but I can't remember the name.

Yes. I know. Busy year planned. I'll say it now. I won't do all the prompts in every challenge, but I think it will be interesting to be known in others challenges :)


The nails.

I bought a few months ago some accessories from Shesellsseashells.uk and never used them. I had bought a sheet of mermaid scale and was waiting patiently to do a mani with it. WELL. I finally used them! Yay!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 29: Inspired By a Polish

Inspired by a polish...

Uhh. Hello. Nail Polish Hoarder, heeeeeere. Do you know how hard it can be, when you have to choose ONE polish to be inspired of? Like, I'm inspired by all my polishes.

I decided to go to my untried pile and choose one randomly. Cybernetic by Pretty Serious Cosmetics was the winner! *ting, ting, ting!*

31DC version 2.0: Day 28: Studs

Ahhh, famous studs!

I like them, but I can't never find a clever way to use them. I have no imagination when it comes to studs. I stick with the classical way of using them. I wish I was clever like some people (@cottonconey on IG, for exemple).

Instead, I went with some attemps at stamping (Sweet Baby, I need more practice) and the classic studs mani.


Throwback: "Sailor" by Mentality Nail Polish and BornPrettyStore Water Decals

Throwback to my short nails!

They are so cute ahah. I think I'll cut them down after the 31DC2. I am kind of bipolar sometimes, like I loooove little nubs, but I think long nails are kick-ass. I live in a constant dilemma! :(

But, I think it will be time to start fresh!

Onto the nails now:

Monday, December 8, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 27:Gradient

Since the first time I saw +Simply Nailogical on Instagram, I fell in love with gradients (even more than before.) She's the Master, the Queen of All Things Gradients.

Truly, she's a beast when it comes to gradients. She can do one of those AH-mazing gradients, scaled, reciprocal and glittery gradients like no one.

Like you can guess, she was my inspiration for this prompt!

I must admit, I was kind of scare of doing my first scaled gradient... Turns out, I want to do a million more!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

31DC version 2.0: Day 26: Realism

Hi, all!
For this prompt, I didn't know what to do, because I had like three zillions ideas. Realism nail art is becoming by far my favorite kind of nail art! That must be my artist spirit who just want to paint absolutely everything on my nails! After all, nails are little canvas!