Wednesday, January 7, 2015

WNAC - January - Week 2 : (Scaled) Gradient

Hello, Reader!

For week two, the theme was originally gradient. SimplyNailogical decided to hijacked the theme and made it scaled gradient. Since I first did a scaled gradient, I have been wanting to do another again. Now was the perfect occasion to practice more this new-to-me technique!

I received Tuesday nailmail from and I had the perfect color combo. However one of the colors I chose was too jelly and wouldn't blend with the other :( I, then, went in my untried box and found something that matched exactly what I was going for!

I apologize for the quality of the pictures. My camera wouldn't take normal pictures with these colors so I had to use my iPod. (That was the only was I could get an "accurate" photo.)
I wanted to try something I hadn't see around much, an angled scaled gradient! (Did I create something new? Tell me if you saw this somewhere else!)



Here's a picture taken in indirect "real" light. The colors are a little more color-accurated. Arrgh, so hard to take polishes when they are orange-toned. My camera just don't know how to handle it. -_- Any advice, Reader?
Anyway! I hope you like it!
Happy polishing!
Irrationails xo

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